It started with piano...
Priya began piano lessons just after her third birthday, after watching Daddy teach others and begging for her own lessons. Ten years later she was playing Level 8 of the Celebration Series and now she sight-reads at the piano much better than her father. Though piano is no longer Priya's main instrument, it's not unusual to hear her exploring diverse repertoire at the keyboard, including Schubert, Grieg, the Piano Guys, and the Arcadian Wild.
L: Performing Debussy's Rêverie at a recital in early 2024. R: "Playing" Debussy's Children's Corner as a toddler.
...and continues today with cello.
Priya enjoys trying new instruments. She's a natural at guitar and mandolin, plays cajón and electric drums, and has experimented with other bowed instruments like bass and violin. She capably fills a variety of roles as a member of our church music team.
Since 2022 the cello has become Priya's primary instrument. She began playing cello at age 9, when we discovered the homeschool strings group SoliMusica Academy. Since we could not afford regular private lessons, most of Priya's early cello learning happened as a member of string orchestras. After SoliMusica discontinued in mid-2022, our family switched to Bravo Homeschool Strings, led by Lachlan McBane, violist with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. That fall Priya also joined Atlanta Music Project and early in 2023, through AMP, she finally began regular private cello lessons, with teaching artist and performer Ismail Akbar.
Priya's cello skills have improved rapidly since then. She won the principal cello position in the Georgia All-State Grades 9-10 String Orchestra in March 2024; earned a spot in the 2024 YOLA National Festival, a week-long summer intensive music camp in Los Angeles; and placed 6th chair (now 3rd!) in the cello section of the 2024-25 Emory Youth Symphony Orchestra, one of Georgia's top pre-college orchestras. Under Mr. Akbar's capable guidance, she is studying the important works of the solo cello concert repertoire, including concertos by Elgar and Saint-Saëns.
Above: Priya at the November 2024 EYSO concert.
What's next? That may depend on you. See Priya's Sponsor page to read about her musical goals.
Below: Photos representing Priya trying piano as an infant, testing her first cello, SoliMusica Academy (instructors Susan Brown and April O'Keefe), playing with family at a wedding, Bravo Homeschool Strings (violist Lachlan McBane), Atlanta Music Project (instructor Ismail Akbar), 2024 All-State Orchestra concert, YOLA National Festival (conductor José Salazar), Gingrich Piano Studio concert, Emory Youth Symphony Orchestra concert (Nov.2024), Saint-Saëns Concerto No. 1 concert (Dec. 2024), Priya as principal cellist at 2024 AMP Christmas concert, and other musical adventures.